
Cost of a
childcare space for 2024

Calculate your net daily
childcare amount now

This income corresponds to the sum of lines 101, 105 and 107 of your 2024 income tax return.

The maximum income accepted by the calculator is $250 000.

This income corresponds to the sum of lines 101, 105 and 107 of your spouse's 2024 income tax return.

The maximum income accepted by the calculator is $250 000.

On average, based on information from advance payment applications, a child attends childcare for approximately 180 days in a year.

A child who attends childcare on a full-time basis for an entire year will have 260 days of childcare.

The following links will open a new window to another website.

If you have paid for non-subsidized childcare, you may be entitled to a refundable tax credit in Québec that significantly reduces the net fee difference compared to subsidized childcare.

 Help button for Child care expenses deduction. The federal childcare expenses deduction reduces a taxpayer’s income by the amount of eligible childcare expenses paid. As a result, the deduction reduces tax payable and increases certain social and tax transfers determined by family income.

Federal income tax

Canada Child Benefit

Canada Workers Benefit

GST credit

Example button for a couple with a 1-year-old child. See an example for a couple with a 1-year-old child.

See the assumptions in the “Warning” section

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Updated February 8, 2024