2000-2001 Budget /

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Budget Speech


Outstanding economic and financial results

  1. An economy resolutely turned toward the 21st century
  2. Putting budgetary surpluses to work for Quebecers

A $4.5-billion personal income tax reduction

  1. An immediate reduction of $1 billion
  2. A fully indexed tax system
  3. Details of the personal income tax reduction
  4. A reduction geared to families and the middle class
  5. Greater reductions than offered by the federal government

Major increase in health care resources

  1. Injection of $2.7 billion in the health and social services sector
  2. A more efficient network to meet the needs of the people
  3. Dissipating the confusion surrounding the federal trust account

Investing more in young people and in education

  1. Promoting quality education
  2. Promoting excellence
  3. Promoting initiative

Supporting economic transformation to create yet more jobs

  1. Considerable progress so far
  2. Challenges to take up at the dawn of the 21st century
  3. Increasing private investments
  4. E-commerce, a promising sector
  5. Modernization of infrastructures
VI. $310 million for regional development
VII. Enhanced support for culture
VIII. $430 million for the municipalities

Details of forecasts for fiscal 2000-2001

  1. Budgetary revenue
  2. Budgetary expenditure
  3. Non-budgetary transactions
  4. Financing transactions

Gouvernement du Québec   |  © Gouvernement du Québec, 2001