2000-2001 Budget /

Bernard Landry

Message from the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for the Economy and Finance

In recent months, Québec has experienced remarkable economic, financial and social success. Therefore, we are now in a position to table a Budget based on hope and pride, a budget resolutely geared to the future.

Never, in all my life, have I seen such a strong economy in Québec, whether judged in terms of its results or its structure. We chose the right strategies to meet the challenges facing us in building a modern Québec and undertaking a technology conversion. Even if we have still not achieved all our objectives, we have reason to be pleased with the results obtained.

This Budget proposes that we go yet further on the path of progress and prosperity. The overriding theme of this Budget is growth, but growth with justice and fairness for all. Its central concerns are taxation, health, young people and the economy, particularly the regional economy.

Quebecers are the main architects of their renewed prosperity, and in all fairness, they deserve to be the first to profit from it. This, I believe, is what this Budget achieves.

Bernard Landry

Gouvernement du Québec   |  © Gouvernement du Québec, 2001