2. Promoting investment and employment
Québec’s economy is healthy
Real business investment: increase of 33% since 2003.
Construction of new housing: 52 000 units per year over the past four years.
Unemployment rate: 7.2% in April, the lowest level in 32 years.
Job creation:
- 108 300 new jobs over the past 12 months;
- 29% of the Canadian total.
Eliminating the tax on capital
Full elimination of the tax on capital after December 31, 2010
The tax with the most harmful impact on investment and employment is being eliminated.
- For all Québec businesses, regardless of their activity sector.
For the manufacturing sector
To give the manufacturing sector the means to cope with foreign competition.
- Enhancement of capital cost allowances.
- Until the tax on capital is fully eliminated, increase in the tax credit for new investments.